Plumbing Tips And Tricks For Season Change

Every season has a different impact on the plumbing of a house. To deal with it Atlas Plumbing and Mechanical provides their customers with a comprehensive guide for the same. Each season is to be dealt with a unique solution catering to the specific requirements. Regular maintenance is a must but during season change it becomes very important to keep a check on the plumbing. You do not need your plumbing to cause any kind of problem to you during these times. Prepare your plumbing for both summer and winter and be stress-free all year round. This is the time when one should not indulge in DIY projects and repairs. You can contact our crew and with their eye for detail, they will be able to fix the problem before it becomes a potential danger.

Prepare Your Plumbing For Winter And Summer With Expert Advice

Winter Tips

Winter is harsh on everyone, especially on the plumbing. The pipes that are exposed to the lower temperatures usually do not last long and have to be changed frequently. You have to be extra cautious during this time and prepare the plumbing accordingly. Be ready to face winter head-on with these tips.

Insulate the pipes

The pipes that are exposed need to be insulated. This is a very important step for the plumbing that is not present in heated areas such as the basement, garage, or crawl spaces. Use foam or heat tape to cover and protect them.

Seal gaps and cracks

Look for any kind of gaps and cracks in and around the house, especially in the plumbing. Wherever you find any crack seal it to prevent cold air from getting into the home.

Keep the heat on

Whenever it is winter season make sure to have the heat on. This will prevent the pipes from freezing.

Let the faucets drip

Though this step might seem a little weird and wasteful. When you let the faucets drip a little, it ensures that the water keeps flowing and does not freeze.

Summer Tips

Summer can be rough on the plumbing causing it to erode and overheat. The best solution for this is to protect your plumbing.

Clean gutters and drains

Storms are a very common sight in the summer season. Due to their frequent occurrence, it becomes mandatory to keep the gutters and drains clean to allow the water to flow and not clog.

Regulate water heater temperatures

During summer it is best to keep the temperature of the water heater low. This will help you to save on utility bills and also not cause any damage to the pipes. Make the smart choice and set the thermostat accordingly.

It is advised that regular maintenance checks should be done before the season change. It will help you to prevent any kind of harm in the future. You can also avail yourself of our services to have everything running in perfect condition. Our crew pays meticulous attention and works most professionally. See for yourself and become a part of our happy customer bank now. Our website is the connection point for the same. For Plumbing work in Chico please contact us.